Why Choose Rezum?
Approximately 50% of men over the age of 50 and up to 90% of men over 80 suffer from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH. In this condition, an enlargement of the prostate gland compresses and obstructs the urethra and results in uncomfortable symptoms that may range anywhere from discomfort to significantly impacting your quality of life.
These symptoms of BPH can include:
• Trouble starting to urinate
• Having to strain or push when urinating
• A weak stream
• Feeling like your bladder is never fully emptying
• Urgency (suddenly feeling a strong need to urinate)
• Frequency (having to pee more than 8 times a day)
• Waking up during the night to pee, known as “nocturia”
If this condition is not treated and urine is backing up rather than being released, your bladder can thicken and become irritated. Symptoms will likely worsen and may even reach the point where you wetting the bed at night or are unable to make it to the restroom quickly enough when you need to go. You should not wait until your situation has reached this point to seek treatment as symptoms will be more difficult to reverse.
Rezūm, which has been featured on The Doctors and in The Wall Street Journal, is one way to alleviate BPH symptoms. The minimally-invasive treatment relies on a transurethral RF thermal therapy to reduce the extra prostate tissue causing the problems. While it sounds complicated, Rezūm essentially utilizes steam to treat an enlarged prostate.
Sterile water, which is heated into steam, is delivered in controlled doses to areas of prostate tissue. The heat eventually kills the extra tissue, which is then processed by your body. With the extra tissue gone, there is less pressure on your urethra, decreased discomfort and improved urination.
Here are the key things to know about Rezūm:
• Rezūm is not a surgical treatment option. It is a minimally-invasive procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia in a doctor’s office
• Rezūm patients do not feel any pain as the prostate area is anesthetized.
• Patients can return to normal activities within a few days.
• Rezūm preserves sexual and urinary functioning
• Rezūm patients experience noticeable symptom improvement within two weeks.
Wondering if Rezūm might be a good option for you? Consult your urologist to assess if you are a candidate for this innovative BPH treatment option.
Source: Rezum